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Epigram. [Crowne]

Within this Crowne hath many Crwnes been spent,
Good Wine, Attendance good, and good Content:
Theres Liquor of the best, from France and Spaine,
Which makes this Crowne full weight above a Graine.

Epigram. [Castle]

Tis oftentimes no Hazzard or Adventure,
These Peacefull Castles quietly to Enter:
They are not built for Defence, or Offence,
Yet all the Manhood is, in Going thence.


Epigram. [Crosse]

When men are overprest with Cares and Losses,
They may find speedy Comfort in these Crosses:
But such as beare no Crosses thither, then
Small Reason, tis, they should be welcome men.

Epigram. [Crosse Keyes]

These Keyes were never made to open Locks,
Yet they may be the meanes to ope the Stocks:
For he that drinkes, sweares, rores, fights, spewes and reeles
Hang such a Rascall, lay him by the heeles.

Epigram. [Cat]

Who scratcheth worst the Broker, or the Cat,
Good honest Reader, prethee tell me that:


The Broker scratches till a man be strip'd,
For nothing every day the Catt is whip'd.

Epigram. [Cardinals Hatt]

The Cardinals hurt least, being farre away,
And sure their Hatts will doe lesse hurt then they:
We are much better pleasd, with the bare Signe,
Then with the Hat, or Card'nall; There's good Wine.

Epigram. [Chequer]

The Chequer squars, doth many squares containe,
And good square dealing there doth still remaine;
Provided that you to the Chequer bring
Th'Exchequer Coine, the stamp of Queene or King.

Epigram. [Christopher at Clerkenwell]

I Read that Christopher once usde the Trade,
A mighty dangerous River o're to wade:


And having left the Water, tis thought meet
To set him up for Wine in Turnebull street.

Epigram. [Coopers hoope]

Good Wine doth need no Bush, the Proverb sayes,
And I have knowne that house three thousand dayes
Without a Signe or Bush; onely a Hoope
Shewes theres good Wine will make a strong man stoope.

Epigram. [Cranes]

The Cranes heau'd Wine (from Water) to the Cart,
The Cart to these Cranes, these Cranes to the Quart,
And other Measures, Thus is Wine divided,
And the divisions good, if not Misguided.