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Quodlibets, lately come over from New Britaniola, Old Newfoundland. Epigrams and other small parcels both Morall and Divine

The first foure Bookes being the Authors owne: the rest translated out of that Excellent Epigrammist, Mr Iohn Owen, and other rare Authors: With two Epistles of that excellently wittie Doctor, Francis Rablais: Translated out his French at large. All of them Composed and done at Harbor-Grace in Britaniola, anciently called Newfound-Land. By R. H. [by Robert Hayman]

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94. To my very good Friend, Mr. Iohn Poyntz, Esquire, one of the Planters of Newfound-Land in Doctor Vaughans Plantation.
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94. To my very good Friend, Mr. Iohn Poyntz, Esquire, one of the Planters of Newfound-Land in Doctor Vaughans Plantation.

'Tis said, wise Socrates look't like an Asse;
Yet he with wondrous sapience filled was;
So though our Newfound-Land look wild, saluage,
She hath much wealth penn'd in her rustie Cage.
So haue I seene a leane-cheekes, bare, and ragged,
Who of his priuate thousands could haue bragged.


Indeed she now lookes rude, vntowardly;
She must be decked with neat husbandry.
So haue I seene a plaine swarth, sluttish Ione,
Looke pretty pert, and neat with good cloathes on.