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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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17 Of a reformed Brother.
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17 Of a reformed Brother.

In studying Scriptures, hearing Sermons oft,
Thy mind is growne so plyable and soft,
That though none can attaine to true perfection,
Thy works come neere the words of their direction.
Thy counsell oft to fast, and euer pray,
Thou louest oft to feast, and euer play:
Backcloth and Cinders they aduise to vse,
Sack, Cloues, and Sugar, thou wouldst haue to chuse:
They wish our works, and life, should shine like light.

Thy workes and all thy life is passing light,
They bid vs follow still the Apostles lore,
Apostata's thou follow'st euermore.
They bid refresh the poore with Almes-deedes,
Thou rauish dost the poore with all misdeedes.
They promist ioyes eternall neuer wasting,
You merit noyes infernall euerlasting.