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A choice of emblemes, and other devises

For the moste part gathered out of sundrie writers, Englished and Moralized. And divers newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both pleasant and profitable: Wherein those that please, maye finde to fit their fancies: Bicause herein, by the office of the eie, and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant deuises: both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging: and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment

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Dicta septem sapientum.

To Sir Hvghe Cholmeley Knight.
The sages seuen, whose fame made Grecia glad,
For wisedome greate, amongst theire sainges wise:
Eache one of them, a goulden sentence had,
And Alciat, did the pictures thus deuise,
For to obserue the vse of Emblems righte,
Which represent the meaning to our sighte.
Keepe still the meane, did Cleobulvs teache:
For measure, lo, the ballance loyn'd thereto.
And Knowe thy selfe, did Chilon alwaies preache:
The glasse behoulde, that thou the same maiste doe.
Restraine thy wrathe, dothe Periander tell:
And shewes an hearbe, that choller dothe expell.
Nothinge too mutche, did Pittacvs commende,
Thereto a flower, whereof too muche destroyes.
And Solon sai'd, Remember still thy ende,
Before the which, none can haue perfect ioyes:
A piller form'd, declininge downe he showes,
Which telles that deathe, the strongest ouerthrowes.
Of wicked men the number dothe exceede:
This Bias vs'd: and cause for foule defame,
Sardinia moste is stained, as we reade,
On asses backe, behoulde one of the same.
And Thales, laste of all the Sages, say'd:
Flee sewertiship, for feare thou be betray'd.
And vnderneathe, a birde vpon the net,
That dothe not feare, the craftie foulers call,
Hereby wee ofte, doe paie an others debte,
And free our frendes, and bringe our selues in thrall:
Which sayinges wise, whoe keepe them in their brestes,
By proofe shall finde, they harbour happie guestes.