University of Virginia Library

IV. O Unseen One!

Because Thou art beautiful,
Because Thou art mysterious,
Because Thou art strong,
Or because Thou art pitiless,
Shall my Soul worship Thee,
O Thou Unseen One?
As men bow to monarchs,
As slaves to their owners,
Shall I bow to Thee?
As one that is fearful,
As one that is slavish,
Shall I pray to Thee?
Wert Thou a demigod,
Wert Thou an angel,
Lip-worship might serve;
To Thee, most beautiful,
Wondrous, mysterious,
How shall it avail?
Thou art not a demigod,
Thou art not a monarch,—
Why should I bow to Thee?
I am not fearful,
I am not slavish,—
Why should I pray to Thee?
O Spirit of Mountains!
Strong Master of Waters!
Strange Shaper of Clouds!
When these things worship Thee
I too will worship Thee,
O Maker of Men!