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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Quod ascendit super celos rationales.

now that he stegh vp eke also
aboue all heuens resonable,
that is to wit men out of wo
& saintes to blisse alway able,
As I declaret here bifore,
hit shewes by this autorite
aboue all saules lasse & more
& eke the heghust heuen ȝede he.

Canticorum ijo: Ecce iste venit saliens in montibus & transiliens colles.

‘se’, sais the wise mon, ‘as he went
lepyng in hilles & ore-lepyng
the coppes of hom’, then is vs kent
by glose of this to haue conyng,
What thes hilles moun signifie
& coppes of hom, I wol ȝow mynne.
here calles the glose, I shal not lighe,
tho hilles aungeles he lepe inne,
For aungeles all about him were
when he so to heuen went,
therfore he calles hom hilles here
that so with him that tyme wer lent.


& hilles coppes that he ore-lepe
where holi saintes he with him toke,
but ȝet aboue hom, takes kepe,
he lepe, ȝet he hom noȝt forsoke.
So that I may preue by this
aboue all heuens stegh that king
that resonable arn callet iwis,
& heuens of gode vnderstonding,
the whiche byn aungeles clene & clere
for excellentship & dignite,
as I before declaret here
preue I wol by autorite:

Psalmus: Qui ponis nubem ascensum tuum, qui ambulas super pennas ventorum.

also to preue that he up-stegh
to the heghust heuen of all,
the gospel here is writen negh
to wittenesse what-seuer may bifall:

Marci vltimo: Et dominus quidem Ihesus postquam locutus est eis, assumptus est in celum & sedet a dextris Dei.

Marc sais, ‘when oure lort Ihesu
had spoken with his discipuls here,
he s[t]e[gh] thurgh his vertue
& sat on Goddes right hond nere.’
Goddes right hond callet is
the euenship of Goddes myght,
ffor euen & euen thai were iwis
when he was commen into that light.