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The most elegant and witty epigrams of Sir Iohn Harrington

... digested into fovre bookes: three whereof neuer before published

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16 Of a deuout Usurer.

A merchant, hearing that great Preacher, Smith,
Preach against Vsury, that art of byting,
The Sermon done, embrac'd the man forth-with,
Vnto his bord most friendly him inuiting.
A friend of his, hoping some sweet aspersion
Of grace would moue him to some restitution,
Wist him, in token of his full Conuersion,
Release some Debters, held in Execution.
Foole, said he, thinke you Ile leaue my trade?
No: but I thinke this Preacher learn'd and painefull,
Because the more from it he doth perswade,
'Tis like to proue to me more sweet and gainefull.
Was euer Iew of Malta, or of Millain,
Then this most damned Iew, more Iewish villain?