University of Virginia Library

Central Coal Co.

The largest and best equipped enterprise
of its kind here is the Central
Coal Company, owned by Messrs.
Gardner and Mr. F. G. Brooks. The
plant and works are located at Third
street and the C. & O. Railway. The
concern handles coal, wood, lime,
cement, patent plaster, and everything
pertaining to their business.
Their trade is rapidly outgrowing
their present spacious quarters, although
a year ago they purchased a
large site on the opposite side of Third
street. The Central Coal Company
makes a specialty of Virginia Merrimac

Anthracite Coal for which they
are sole agents in this vicinity. This
coal has given the best of satisfaction
for both heating and cooking, and
it is absolutely free from slate and
clinker. Any user of this product is
referred to with confidence, and a trial
is solicited with absolute faith in the
result. Pennsylvania anthracite is
also handled, as well as many other
kinds, and Red Ash Run of the Mine,
for steaming purposes, is another
specialty in which they have a large
trade. Sawed and split wood of any
size can be procured at the lowest
possible prices. The yards are equipped
with every modern convenience,
the railway having run a switch on a
trestle over the coal bins in such a
manner that one man can unload 50 tons
of coal in 30 minutes, while the power
for sawing wood and handling of other
goods is furnished by two large electric
dynamos, one of which is located at
each end of the immense yards. Mr.
W. B. Gardner, the manager and
founder of the enterprise, is a native of
Albemarle County, and came to Charlottesville
about 16 years ago, when he
accepted a position with the Charlottesville
Hardware Co. After remaining
in their employ for ten years,
he resigned and purchased a fine farm
and followed agricultural pursuits on
account of poor health. Two years
later with health restored he sold his
country place and established his
present enterprise. By strict integrity
and unfaltering attention to the affairs
of the plant he has won the confidence
of our citizens and the large and
rapidly increasing trade the firm enjoys
is the result. So large indeed is
the business that six delivery wagons
are in constant service and it is frequently
necessary to engage other
wagons to help accommodate their
customers. About one year ago Mr.
F. G. Brook purchased one-half interest
in the plant, and since that
time the style of the firm has been the
Central Coal Company. Mr. Brook is
a native of Culpeper, and has for many
years been a mail clerk on the Southern


Main Building of Crozet Cooperage Co.