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[Jesus, my Lord, on Thy great name]

Jesus, my Lord, on Thy great name
I still for help depend;
From sin, the world, and hell redeem,
And save me to the end.
The lion, ready to devour,
Would tear my soul and slay;
Ah! leave me not to Satan's power,
But spoil him of his prey.
Arise, O Lord, Thine arm make bare,
Confound the haughty pride
Of all my foes; in wrath declare
That Thou art on my side.
So shall the saints surround Thy throne
With joyful songs of praise;
For Israel's sake Thy servant own,
And save me by Thy grace.


Lift Thyself up, awake for me,
My cause in mercy plead;
Lead captive my captivity,
And make me free indeed.
Command iniquity to cease,
And make an end of sin;
'Stablish the just in righteousness,
And bring Thy nature in.
Succour and strength in God I have,
Who never will depart;
But keep, and to the utmost save,
The men of simple heart.
His righteousness I will proclaim,
His goodness glorify,
And celebrate the Saviour's name,
And praise the Lord most high.