University of Virginia Library



I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.”—Isa. xlv. 7.

Thy vision of the day is much,
Thy vision of the night is more,
My Saviour, and I feel Thy touch
Dearer in darkness and its lore;
I had not learnt Thy Love, before
Finding the sweetest Cross was such.
I know the shadow, where I rest,
Is but the shadow of Thy Breast.
The revelation of the gleam,
Which ever guides my footsteps right,
Is not the dream within the dream
When the last star hath taken flight;
I have a leading more than light,
Which never shone on land or stream.
The revelation of the gloom,
Gives me Creation's inmost bloom.
There were no brightness in the morn,
Nor Mercy at the heart of things,
Were not Thy burden hourly borne
And joys won out of jangled strings;
We only prove that we are kings,
When leaning on some Cross's thorn.
Thy Love lies broadcast, but I mark
The shining fairest in the dark.