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The history of The Old Testament In verse

With One Hundred and Eighty sculptures: In Two Volumes. Vol. I. From the Creation to the Revolt of the Ten Tribes from the House of David. Vol. II. From that Revolt to the End of the Prophets. Written by Samuel Wesley ... The Cuts done by J. Sturt

expand sectionI, II. 

CLXXXIII. 2 Kings, Chap. II. from Ver. 14. to the End.

Elisha divides Jordan. Heals the Waters of Jericho. The Children who mock'd him are destroy'd by two she-Bears.

His glorious Friend in vain Elisha mourn'd,
Then with his Mantle to the Stream return'd:
Where is Elijah's God, aloud he cry'd,
And struck the Waves, th'obsequious Waves divide,
The Prophet's Sons who on the distant side
Observ'd th'Event, their rising Master meet,
And own his Mission, prostrate at his Feet:
Then with officious Kindness needs wou'd send,
Thro' Mountains, Fields and Plains, to search his Friend:
In vain they search each Mountain, Field and Plain,
And cross well-weary'd Jordan's Streams again:
As o're the Hills they to the College go,
They make a stand, and view the Plains below:


How sweet a Prospect courts their willing stay?
In spatious Vales large fleecy Housholds play,
Jordan beneath cuts out his winding way;
Here Rabba's Tow'rs, and there th'Arabian Coast,
Until th'unbounded Sight in pleasing Raptures lost.
Return'd, they shew their Lord their happy site,
How bless'd, where Profit mingled with Delight!
But curs'd by Heav'n, the Soil no Product yields,
And brackish Streams divide the barren Fields:
As forth they walk'd to the fair City's Walls,
And Fountains-Head, for Salt the Prophet calls;
He casts it in the Spring, and thus goes on,
—Thus saith the Lord, the mighty Work is done:
Henceforth these Waters I to Health restore,
And Death and barren Land shall be no more:
No vain Presages in his Words were found,
A new and sudden Verdure spreads the Ground:
Their churlish Taste, the Waters soon forgo,
And soft as Streams of Milk and Honey flow:
Thus, for the Prophets, was their Land restor'd,
And thus obedient Nature own'd her Lord.
To Bethel's Sister-College thence he went,
And as Elisha rais'd the steep Ascent;
A Crowd of Children pouring from the Place,
Rude as their faithless Sires, and void of Grace;


The hoary Saint with bitter Scoffs engage,
And leudly mock his venerable Age:
He turns and views the Rout with Eyes severe,
And does the righteous Doom of Heav'n declare.
A Wood there was, black Horrors ancient Seat,
To Beasts of Prey an undisturb'd Retreat:
Here Tygers glare aloft across the Shade,
The Kingly Lion there his Covert made,
And rugged Bears stalk thro' the gloomy Glade:
Two of the last, of an enormous Size,
Rush'd from the Thick, and seiz'd their destin'd Prize,
In vain the Children fill'd the Air with Cries:
Their tender Limbs with ease the Monsters tore,
And dy'd their Muzzles in their reeking Gore;
Whence others learn what Plagues to those are due,
Who Piety, with scorn, and rev'rend Age pursue.