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At Noon: of þe passion, and of þe Assencion.

Be-þenk þe at þe vre of noon:
Whon crist hed seid þat al was don,
Mildeliche wiþ-outen bost
To his ffader he ȝeld his gost,


And to him he made a cri
Hely lamaȝabatani,
Þat is to seye aftur þe Book
“ffader, whiere þou me forsok?”
As hos seiþ, þus here for to spille;
A, lord, for hit was þi wille.
A blynd kniht þen atte laste
A Spere þorw [his] herte þraste,
Þat Blod and water þen out ȝede.
Þerof we schulde take good hede:
Þe blynde kniȝt þerof cauȝte his siht,
And vre Bapteme þere hedde miȝt.
Lord, ȝif me grace day and niht
To þenke how deolfulliche þou were diht!
Þe sonne for deol þen lees his liht,
ffor to be wreken of his dispiht;
Hulles and dales þei al to-schoken,
And þe stones al to-broken.