University of Virginia Library



When first I sought my Lydia's love,
I talked of flames and rapture;
And with unceasing ardor strove
Her gentle heart to capture.
“I'll quit the world if I'm denied!”
I said without reflection;
“If you think best,” the fair replied,
“I 've not the least objection.”
“Hard-hearted girl! for your embrace,
To dastard fear a stranger,
Arabia's desert sands I'll trace,
And laugh at every danger;
Or scale the Andes' steepest side,
To merit your affection!”
“As you think best,” she still replied,
“I 've not the least objection.”
“Can nothing move you? is he doomed
To years of gloom and sorrow,
Who fondly thought you would have bloomed
His lovely bride to-morrow?


My family, with joy and pride,
Expect the blest connection.”
“As you think best,” she smiling cried,
I 've not the least objection.”