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The gallant ship is out at sea,
Proudly o'er the water going;
Along her sides the billows flee,
Back in her wake, a river, flowing:
She dips her stem to meet the wave,
And high the tossed foam curls before it;
As if she felt the cheers we gave,
She takes her flight,
Where the sea looks bright,
And the sun in sparkles flashes o'er it.
Gallantly on she cuts her way,
And now in distance far is fleeting;
There are some on board whose hearts are gay,
And some whose hearts are wildly beating:
Loud was the cheer her seamen gave,
As back they sent our welcome cheering;


Many a hand was seen to wave,
And some did weep,
And fondly keep
Their gaze intent when out of hearing.
They have parted, and now are far at sea,—
Heaven send them fair and gentle weather!
They part not for eternity;
Our hands shall soon be linked together:
The sea was smooth, and the sky was blue,
And the tops of the ruffled waves were glowing,
As proudly on the vessel flew,
Like the feathered king,
On his balanced wing,
To a distant land o'er the ocean going.