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[Scarcely I presume to pray]

Scarcely I presume to pray,
God omnipotent, in love
Take my bosom-sin away,
Me out of myself remove;
Nothing is too hard for Thee,
Yet I fear it cannot be.
Long I every means have tried
To subdue the inbred ill;
Still I am not sanctified,
Rules my ruling passion still;
Neither prayers nor vows restrain,
Tears for ages flow in vain.


Is it then, most gracious Lord,
Can it be Thy will, that I
Hanging on Thy faithful word
Unredeem'd should live and die,
Gasp in death my slighted prayer,
Perish in extreme despair?
In an agony of doubt,
Father, I Thy will attend,
Till I find Thy counsel out,
Fear and tremble to the end,
Know not what my end shall be,
Leave it to Thy Son and Thee.