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A Stanzaic Life of Christ

Compiled from Higden's Polychronicon and the Legenda Aurea

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Item celum intellectuale est Angelus. Angeli enim dicuntur celum, quia ad instar celi sunt sanctissimi, vt patet inferius.
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Item celum intellectuale est Angelus. Angeli enim dicuntur celum, quia ad instar celi sunt sanctissimi, vt patet inferius.

Heuen of gode vnderstondyng
Arn aungels in heuen bright,
that alway bien in hegh duelling,
as heuen his cler and alway bright,


By-cause of hor grete dignite
And excellence thai han ther,
of whiche spekes, as ȝe schun se,
A grete clerk Denys hom to her,

Dionisius in libro de diuine nominibus capitulo iiijo: Diuine mentes sunt super reliqua existencia & viuunt super reliqua viuencia & intelligunt & cognoscunt super sensum & racionem & plus quam omnia existencia pulcrum & bonum desiderant & eo perticipant.

And calles Aungels that bien cler
Goddes myndes that inne him is,
for what he thenkes whitouten wer
by hom is wroght anone in blisse;
for thai bien ministres of his wille,
therfor his myndes I may hom calle,
frely anone for to fulfille
in his thoght what-seuer may falle.
Therfor he sais her that thai
bene aboue all thing that is,
and aboue all that leue may
thai leuen in liking, leue wel this,
Vnderstonden and knowen ay
aboue alle resoun and wit i-wisse,
and mor then any thing may
that made is thai mone no way mys,
That is fair and gode also
thai wilnen all way witerly,
and han part of hit for oo
boute whit-stondyng, trauail or ny.

Secundo: sunt pulcherime nature & glorie, de quorum pulcritudine dicit Dionisius in eodem libro: Angelus est manifestacio occulti luminis, speculum purum, clarissimum, inco[n]taminatum, in-coinquinatum, suscipiens,


si est fas dicere, pulcritudinem boniformis Deiformitatis.

Also Aungels in hor kinde
arn most fair in heuen blis,
of whiche fairnes, as I finde,
spekes this clerk no thing amys,
and sais, ‘an aungel is ovt-showing
of hidde light and clene merour,
Most clene and fylet no thing,
all graciouse thing as gouernour,
‘And ȝif hit leueful be to say,
an Aungel cler wel I may calle
of Goddes fourmyng in gode fay
and most like thing to him of alle.’
Also aungels biggest bien
by-cause of wertu and power,
of whiche spekes, as wel i-sene,
A clerk, Iohan Damasce, wisele her,

Damascenus libro ijo capitulo iijo: ffortes sunt angeli et parati ad Dei voluntatis expletionem & ibi confestim inueniuntur, vbi diuinus iusserit nutus.

And sais that stif aungeles on hegh
be redy all-way to fulfill
Goddes will & therto slegh,
& ther byn fonden loud and still,
As God biddus all-way negh
gode to spare & ewle to spill,
be thi trauel neuer so dregh
strenght thai han all-way at will.