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Collected poems of Sir Thomas Wyatt

Edited by Kenneth Muir and Patricia Thomson
21 occurrences of plaints
[Clear Hits]

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21 occurrences of plaints
[Clear Hits]


[Fforget not yet the tryde entent]

Fforget not yet the tryde entent
Of suche a truthe as I haue ment,
My gret travayle so gladly spent
Fforget not yet.


Fforget not yet when fyrst began
The wery lyffe ye know syns whan,
The sute, the seruys none tell can,
Fforgett not yet.
Fforget not yet the gret assays,
The cruell wrong, the skornfull ways,
The paynfull pacyence in denays,
Fforgett not yet.
Fforget not yet, forget not thys,
How long ago hathe bene and ys
The mynd that neuer ment amys,
Fforget not yet.
Fforget not then thyn owne aprovyd
The whyche so long hathe the so louyd,
Whose stedfast faythe yet neuer movyd,
Fforget not thys.