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When all's in bud, and the leaf still unfolding,
When there are ruby points still on the spray,
When that prim school gown your charms are withholding,
Then, Manuela, child, well may you say:
“Hasta Mañana! Hasta Mañana!
Until to-morrow—amigo, alway.”
When, Manuela, white, crimson, and yellow,
Peep through green sepals the roses of May,
And through black laces the bloom of your face is
Fresh as those roses, child, still you may say:
Through your mantilla—coy Manuela!
“Hasta Mañana, amigo, alway.”
When all 's in bloom, and the rose in its passion
Warmed on your bosom would never say nay,
Still it is wise—in your own country fashion—
Under your opening fan, only to say:
“Hasta Mañana! Hasta Mañana!
Until to-morrow, amigo, alway.”
When all is gray and the roses are scattered,
Hearts may have broken that brook no delay,
Yet will to-morrow, surcease of sorrow
Bring unto eyes and lips that still can say:
“Hasta Mañana! Hasta Mañana!
Until to-morrow is best for to-day!”


Phrase of Castilian lands! Speech, that in languor
Softly procrastinates, for “aye” or “nay,”
From Seville's orange groves to remote Yanguea,
Best heard on rosy lips—let thy words say:
“Hasta Mañana! Hasta Mañana!
Until to-morrow, amigo, alway!”