University of Virginia Library

Scene V.

Estrella.—The Same.
Welcome may your Highness be,
Welcomed oft to this thy throne,


Which long longing for its own
Finds at length its joy in thee;
Where, in spite of bygone fears,
May your reign be great and bright,
And your life in its long flight
Count by ages, not by years.

(to Clarin).
Tell me, thou, say, who can be
This supreme of loveliness—
Goddess in a woman's dress—
At whose feet divine we see
Heaven its choicest gifts doth lay?—
This sweet maid? Her name declare.

'Tis your star-named cousin fair.

Nay, the sun, 'twere best to say.—
Though thy sweet felicitation
[To Estrella.
Adds new splendour to my throne,
'Tis for seeing thee alone
That I merit gratulation;
Therefore I a prize have drawn
That I scarce deserved to win,
And am doubly blessed therein:—
Star, that in the rosy dawn
Dimmest with transcendent ray
Orbs that brightest gem the blue,
What is left the sun to do,
When thou risest with the day?—
Give me then thy hand to kiss,
In whose cup of snowy whiteness
Drinks the day delicious brightness.

What a courtly speech is this?

If he takes her hand I feel
I am lost.

Second Servant
Astolfo's grief


I perceive, and bring relief:—
Think, my lord, excuse my zeal,
That perhaps this is too free,
Since Astolfo. ...

Did I say
Woe to him that stops my way?—

Second Servant.
What I said was just.

To me
This is tiresome and absurd.
Nought is just, or good or ill,
In my sight that balks my will.

Second Servant.
Why, my lord, yourself I heard
Say in any righteous thing
It was proper to obey.

You must, too, have heard me say
Him I would from window throw
Who should tease me or defy?

Second Servant.
Men like me perhaps might show
That could not be done, sir.

Then, by Heaven, at least, I'll try!

[He seizes him in his arms and rushes to the side. All follow, and return immediately.
What is this I see? Oh, woe!

Oh, prevent him! Follow me!

From the window into the sea
He has fallen; I told him so.

These strange bursts of savage malice
You should regulate, if you can;
Wild beasts are to civilised man
As rude mountains to a palace.

Take a bit of advice for that:
Pause ere such bold words are said,


Lest you may not have a head
Upon which to hang your hat.

[Exit Astolfo.

Estrella, which means star in Spanish.