University of Virginia Library


At last I've caught him. Many obstacles,
'Tis true, and mighty dangers, I confront:
Yet will I, yes, though even at the risk
Of my own detriment, yet will I slay
This haughty importuning demagogue.
But by his death I shall accomplish nothing,
If first I do not rob him of his fame:
This can alone perpetuate my sway.—
Alas! I feel it e'en to agony!—
Nor can I give it utterance; when he speaks,
A permeating ray of genuine truth


Illumes my bosom, and almost subdues me ...
Ah no! it tears and maddens my vex'd heart,
That insupportable and stern parade
Of hated virtue! Let him die; yes, perish ...
E'en if t'extinguish him my life I forfeit.