University of Virginia Library

Scene the Fourth

P. Parm.
But something worthy of my self and Egmont

Hark! the Alarm's begun—This plot of Lopez
Will sure succeed; and yet had I foreseen
Alva's arrival, I had built my projects
On surer ground: So Egmont falls 'tis well;
No matter by what means. Now Fortune for us!
Would it were over—What strange Indiscretion,
To lay myself so open to the Princess
And vent a fruitless spleen! Had it been done
Thus to have crush'd her with the dreadful news
That Egmont was no more; then to have sounded
My triumphs in her ears—O glorious transport!
Exquisite vengeance!—But to prate and wrangle
And boast of Projects e're they are have a being,
Fie, fie upon it. hark! they are at hand
I hear the clash of many mingling swords.
Grant Heav'n that Lopez may not have betraid me.
Who knows what desperate Valor may effect
What shall I do? in this decisive Moment
Unarm'd I will advance; perhaps my presence
May cheer the fainting spirits of my party
And turn the dubious fortune of the Fray

Were shamed Defeated