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An Historical Tragedy

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Royal Apartments.
Osman sitting musing.
E'er I repose, I'll try this charming Maid;
Her firm Adherence to the Cause of Virtue
Inflames my restless Soul with fierce Desire,
More pungent than the Scenes of foul Debauchery
Could ever raise i'th'most abandon'd Breast;
And I must compass her at all Events.
I'd willingly not thwart the Empire's Laws,
Which do inhibit Marriage to the Sultan;
But better they were cross'd, than I undone—
I'll offer her whate'er Ambition's Lust,
Whate'er unbounded Luxury can crave;


And if her Virtue's Proof 'gainst these Temptations,
She's only qualified to grace my Throne,
And nuptial Rites shall constitute her Empress.
