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Osrhoes, Parthians.
Perish then,
Unthinking youth, while we, my valiant friends,
Preserve ourselves for greater deeds. Let each
Cast down his torch to earth, and each again
Retire to his concealment.
[the Parthians go out.
—Yet, in spite
Of all my rage I feel myself a father;
I cannot quit this place—Still, still I turn
To yon devoted walls—Let me not listen
To this unmanly weakness.—Ah! even now
Perhaps a dying child invokes my name:
O! that Pharnaspes may arrive to save her!
Could I but learn their fate!—But whither would
My inconsiderate steps? O Gods! look there—
Ha! who comes yonder? See, the tumult thickens,
And all the imperial palace is in motion—
My friend—my daughter—whither shall I turn?
I lose myself and yet preserve not them.
Since, mighty Gods! you've taken all from Osrhoes,
Why have you left him still these feeble passions?

[Exit hastily.