University of Virginia Library


How this old bosom akes with tender joy;
Such joy as only friends and fathers feel,
To see them thus agreeing, thus united!
Ah, bliss supreme of subjects and of kings:
Our richest joys still court the private scene,
And life's prime hope is to be bless'd at home.
He is indeed convinc'd, and I have wrong'd him.
O thou, who thus infusest kindred love
Into their social hearts, still ardent, fix,
Aid, and invigorate the generous cement;
Then like two planets may they gild the land
With undiminish'd lustre. Thro' the realm
Of Persia's wide domain may they dispense
Th' effulgent rays of truth and virtue round,
Bless every object in their glad career,
Imparting mutual brightness to each other.
