University of Virginia Library

Sce. 4.

Horns within.
Enter Bermudo.
This Boar has mist us strangely: I'le see
Whither I can trace him in the woods.
He goes out and enters again.
No sign at all? 'Tis strange: Where lies the wind?

North or North-East? He must needs be this way.
Stay: what foot is that? 'Tis fresh and newly printed.
Musick below ground.
Ha! Guard me Diana: A Rape, a Rape;
Where flies my ravisht senses? oh
From what earthly cave proceeds this heavenly harmony?
Dissolve, dissolve my soul, turn Ayr,
And Eccho forth those blest harmonious accents;
A voyce too? Orpheus, Orpheus, begst thou again Euricide?
Let amorous Lovers take delight
And glory in variety,
Love still to gaze, though every sight
Ads still unto their misery.
I in a Cave
More pleasure have
Loving but one,
Than they that love,
Still to remove
Can in a Throne.
Surely the ground is holy where I tread;
The heavenly Choristers are met to day
To consecrate this wood. Eternall Ministers of heaven
If my rash foot has offended in the disturbance
Of your holy Ceremonies, blame my rude fortune.
Oh let me not wander here in admiration thus,
But send some gentle Ayr to be my guide
Out of this pleasing Labyrinth: Oh Diana
Take pitty on your servant.

Eccho. Servant.
What voyce calls? Art thou a tatling Eccho?


No? what art thou then? Art thou some gentle Nymph
Inhabiting these woods? or art Dianas self?

Dianas self?

Most gracious Goddess of these silent groves,
Long has thy servant liv'd the poor admirer
Of thy excellence, long has he liv'd in ignorance
Of that glory whose true worth to know
Would surfet Admiration: Tell me, oh tell me,
Mayst thou be seen by mortall eye?


I will no longer live in ignorance.
I'le seek thee in the deepest caves,
Search the remotest corners of the wood
To view thy splendor. Oh stay then Gentle Goddess,
Fly not hence, oh stay I come.

Stay, I come.

Come not to me sweet Goddess,
I am not worth such favour: 'tis happiness enough
For me to seek thee, though I nere should find thee.
Oh come not then, I am thy servant,
I am Bermudo stay.

Bermudo stay.

Yes, with a zeal as fervent as the
Melting Bride expects the wish'd arrivall
Of the Bridegroom.

Enter Desdonella from the Cave attir'd like a Sylvan Goddess.
Lye there thou sweet and sole companion
Of my misery, whil'st I from out this solitary Cave
Behold the so admired fabrick of the Heavens,
And then contemplate on their excellence.

Eternall piece of chastity, at whose shrine
Pure Virgins offer up unspotted incence,
Lo thus prostrate at thy feet Bermudo lies
Offring himself a most unworthy sacrifice.

Alas I am betraid: it is Bermudo.
I must dissemble.

Beauteous Diana, Goddess of the woods
May I behold thy splendor? As yet I durst not
Lest thy refulgent eyes should blind me for presumption.
Oh draw a veil ore that majestick countenance
I shall be blinded else with too much seeing.

Mens weaker eyes must not behold
Divinity in all its lustre: That were a sight
Too glorious, else Bermudo I would appear to thee

Deckt with divine, and holy ornaments,
But envious Fates forbid that happiness to man,
I must assume some other shape
Before thou canst behold me.

Take any gracious Goddess so I may see thee,
Couldst thou assume the Devils 'twould be lovely.

I have thought of one Bermudo not so terrible
Though bad enough, what thinkst thou of Desdonella's
The late dead Princess? thou hatedst her alive,
Her shape then surely cannot ravish thee.
Shall I assume hers?

Oh any gracious Goddess, any.

Arise Bermudo then, Look up,
Behold in Desdonella's shape Diana; Speak,
Am I not very like her? Can'st not perceive
Her tear swoln eyes, her trembling hands,
And love-sick countenance? Look I not
Like a true and perfect Lover?

Oh Desdonella wert thou now alive, I should admire thee;
Thy shape was never lovely untill now.
Thou art transparent grown, I can perceive
Divinity within thee, the reflection whereof
Dissolves my frozen bosom, and makes me stand
Like to a burning Statue, all on fire.

Why tremblest so Bermudo? can Desdonella's shape
Of late so odious, make thee tremble?
Fond man, where's thy Allegiance to Diana?
Wher's now that chastity which so oft
Vpon mine Altars thou hast boasted?

Pardon Divinest Goddess; no loose desire
Causes this sudden alteration, no upstart flame
Makes me forgetfull of my loyalty;
'Tis not the outward shape that I admire,
(Though I must needs confess 'tis excellent)
There's that within clameth an Adoration,
And I were worse than sacrilegious should I rob
Divinity of its due.

Look no more thorough that false optick, fear;
Be not so timorous; Divinity is laid aside,
And I am perfect mortall, come, be confident,
And kiss our hand; why so fearfull?
He kisses her hand.
Now for this favour you'l report Diana is unchast.

Let me be blasted then; I were more impious
Than superstition, should I think a kiss or an embrace
Could be a breach of chastity; Those are rewards
Given to afflicted goodness; but what merit lies in me
Whose just worth from out the center of your
Chaster mercies may extract so great a favor
I must confess I know not, unless I take
Your liberality for the cause.

I am so far from being ingratefull unto him
That harbors but a spark of chastity, that I suppose
That favour of our hand, a poor
And trifling recompense for so much virtue;
But should I offer up a lip to you Bermudo,
You would be civilly fearfull, thinking me
Vnchast to offer it, and your self
More impious to receive it.

I were erroneous should I think so;
Will not the Sun oft-times vouchsafe
An humble salutation to the earth, and yet not lose
One of his chaster glories; far,
Far be it from me to think, when ere I see
Approaching beams of Chastity, that I may refuse
To meet them with an equall ardour:
When I consider that the unity of two chast bodies
Makes chastity entirely perfect, I dare put on
A confidence to salute a Deity,
Provided alwayes our intents be chaste.
'Tis not an outward ceremonious action
That can spot the soul, for could we sin
And think but chastly, 'twere no fault.
Arm'd with which opinion I am confident,
And dare tast the sweetness of that lip,
And think it lawfull too.

He kisses her.
One impudence; That kiss has pul'd a ruine on thee.

Hence from my sight, make haste,
Lest my pursuing vengeance overtake thee.
How neer my Virgin-modesty was forfeited?
Who can look virtuously with affections eyes?
Beware ye vestall Virgins, ye that do make
Your chastity your Religion, beware of too much gazing;
Eyes oftentimes dart forth a lustre
That will dull devotion were it arm'd
With all its sacred glories.

Enter Halisdus.
How fares it Royall Princess with you
After this wished conference?

As with a weary Mariner shipwrackt in the Haven.
Many a tedious voyage has this wandring bark
Past in the gulf of desperation, yet still was ever
Lost in the port of happiness; oh Halisdus!
I am grown weary with this sayling;
Is there no other way for to be happy,
But by this most infortunate adventure?

Yes Madam, if you'l be advis'd. You know
On what condition Bermudo holds his Crown
Just now with you broke it; If you please then
I'le tell your brother of the forfeiture, and so
To save his life hee'l condiscend unto your will.

Accursed policie to shun a rock
And fall mongst Pyrates; Far,
Far be it from Desdonella to enjoy that love
That comes by composition; that were an act
Becoming those that set a common price on Chastity,
And sell Repentance unto Prodigals.
True love admits no hire, tis Lust not Love
We bargain for. Grant he has sin'd,
Ought I to punish him: Will ere the Leopard
Chide the Ermine for being spotted? That were
To blame their own deformity in another
Without excusing of themselves.

Thou art too virtuous Desdonella:
None I can blame for thy misfortune but thy virtue.
Oh ye powers! Is this that just reward which virtue payes?
All will hereafter strive for to be vicious
If excellence must merit misery. Come Desdonella
I'le to thy Cave, and furnish all thy wants:
Thy virtues glories had they their perfect light
Would puzzle all eternity to write.

Exeunt to the Cave.