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The trumpet shrill sounded at Farnhill-Hall,
And echoed in Eastburn-Dale;
The Stevetons heard the martial call,
And soon were in helmet and mail.
They answered the sounds, and the valley below
In the noblest echoes replied;
The Leaches and Starkeys, with quiver and bow,
Bade adieu to the new-married bride.
At Riddlesden-Hall the banner is raised,
Which the warrior Parkers behold,
Then the sun-beams upon their armour blazed,
And their helmets glittered like gold.
At Farnhill-Hall great Currer stood,
Down the valley he glanced his eyes,
And his warriors shouted in Hawcliffe wood,
As they saw his banners arise.


The fair young heiress poured out the wine;
Young Tempest, on charger gray,
Rode up to the hall, as they formed the line,
With Clifford to march away.
The Nevilles were there, on their chargers dark,
And they toss'd the foam around,
And these were the youths that could hit the mark,
And bring the foe to the ground.
The youths of old Skipton beheld them advance,
They met them with trumpet and drum,
With bow, sword, and quiver, the breast-plate and lance—
They shouted—“Let Highlanders come.”
The plumes o'er the helmets wave white in the wind,
As swift to the castle they ride;
Not a knight that was there but his true loyal mind
In the cause of his chief had been tried.
The hard flinty stones seemed war to proclaim,
And fury, when armies should meet,
For the blue rocky pavement burst out into flame,
And blazed round the fierce chargers' feet.
From the castle rode Clifford, a brave noble knight,
And his charger pranced swift on the ground,
His mane waved on high, and the bridle was white
With the foam which he scattered around.
In the court of the castle short time was their stay,
They drank, and then quickly rode on;
In firmness and silence they galloped away,
And wished that the battle was won.
From the roofs of the towers the ladies looked far,
Till distance hid all from their sight,
Then fervently prayed that the God of the war
Would be their strong shield in the fight.