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And, whatever the raison was, after that day come the plisantest spring
In me life. Ne'er a minyit too soon of a mornin' I'd hear the birds sing,


But was glad to be wakin', and watchin' the light at grey chinks burnin' through,
Till I'd run out of doors and I'd find it washed over the fields wid the dew.
And the cuckoo'd be callin' and callin' and callin' away like a bell
Ringin' nigh in some country far off, wid a road to it no one could tell.
And 'twas fine only feelin' the air. Sure, those days it's ‘Red-Nob’ they might call,
Sorra bit would I fret, or go hearin' the river: What matter at all?
But I went pullin' flowers by the edge of it once, and as clear as could be,
Every step of the way it was sayin': The red gold for me, Oonah machree.