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By Katharine Tynan

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The light on the water is there the livelong day,
For God is just behind the cloud and never far away.
And what's the beauty of water and earth and sea and sky
But a mirror flashed to Paradise to comfort hearts thereby?
Our God is not forgetting us although He veils His face.
The light on the water flows from the Secret Place.
Our God is bending o'er us though we may not see Him plain.
The light on the water's a silver-falling rain.
It veils the Holy of Holies, the light that's never still,
Wrought with the rose and pomegranate, violet, daffodil.
A pillar of light before Him; a pillar of light behind,
The light on the water moves like a silver wind.
I have come home so gladly to the beauty, kind, and mild.
The light on the water: the Voice that calls, ‘My Child!’
A pillar of light before me from which the shadow flees,
The light on the water: the Voice that whispers, ‘Peace!’