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Psyche, with other poems

By the late Mrs. Henry Tighe. The third edition

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[As nearer I approach that fatal day]

As nearer I approach that fatal day
Which makes all mortal cares appear so light,
Time seems on swifter wing to speed his flight,
And Hope's fallacious visions fade away;
While to my fond desires, at length, I say,
Behold, how quickly melted from your sight
The promised objects you esteemed so bright,
When love was all your song, and life looked gay!
Now let us rest in peace! those hours are past,
And with them, all the agitating train
By which hope led the wandering cheated soul;
Wearied, she seeks repose, and owns at last
How sighs, and tears, and youth, were spent in vain,
While languishing she mourned in folly's sad control.