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REGARDLESS of the boisterous scene,
Upon the cold and rocky shore;
The wretched Ellen stood serene,
Nor heard the troubled Ocean's roar.
She look'd upon the evening star,
And, whilst the waves approach'd, she cried,
“Oh Edward! Edward! why so far
“From me, thy sad, and plighted bride?”
She look'd upon the twilight ray,
That linger'd in the western sky,
And cried, “Oh Edward! wherefore, say,
“That slighted Ellen thus should sigh?
“Dost thou now thy promise rue?
“Art thou false, as I am true?
“Chief of all on earth I prize!
“What should keep thee from my arms?
“Hast thou found, mid other skies,
“Fonder maid, or brighter charms?
“Brighter charms thou may'st have found,
“Where thy roving feet have strayed;
“But never, never, earth around,
“Wilt thou find a fonder maid.
“Cruel Edward! why deride me?
“Why forget thy vows sincere?
“Cruel Edward! I could chide thee,
“But, though false, thou yet art dear!
“Heart, be still! thy anguish smother!—
“He is wedded to another!”


Upon a rock the maiden stood,
And to the Ocean told her tale;
She saw not the advancing flood;
She heard not the tempestuous gale.
And now the foaming waters rise!
They swell! they reach the maiden's feet!
She gazes round with startled eyes!
She looks, but there is no retreat!
She calls for aid! the waves reply!
Her shriek is mingled with the storm!—
She saw a Spirit beck'ning nigh!
'Twas her own True Lover's form!
“Ellen, to my arms!” he cried,
“Cease to sorrow! cease to chide!”
While the howling tempests rave,
See! they sink beneath the wave!