University of Virginia Library



Warrior! the hour of departure is come,
Echoing sound the loud notes of the drum;
Haste thee, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
While light o'er the deep the moon-shadows play.
Heardst thou not then, the dread thunder of war,
The roar of the guns high pealing afar?
Haste thee, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
A speedy return shall thy absence repay.
Look not to thy babe that smiles in thy face,
But quick o'er thy breast thy bright corslet brace;
Then haste, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
Let no present joys thy duty delay.


Think not of thy wife that tenderly sighs,
Regard not the tear that dims her blue eyes;
But haste, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
To scenes of the brave, of battle and fray.
Wish not for the peace that shelters thy cot,
Nor sigh for its sweets 'till war be forgot;
But haste, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
Nor wait till the sun shall beam the morn-ray.
No harm will betide, though lonely I live,
Heaven to the lone kind protection will give;
Then haste, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
May Vic'try crown thee with laurel-wreaths gay.
While thou art absent, I'll pray for thy weal,
And feel all the cares, a mother can feel;
Haste thee, Warrior, haste! oh! hasten away,
While light o'er the deep the moon-shadows play.