University of Virginia Library


“Ye have not known Me”

Light, more light!” he cries,
While away from the Light he turns,
With the anguish in his eyes
Of a heart that vainly yearns.
Meat and drink would he have,
And he leaves in his daily tread
The banquet the angels crave,
And goeth his way unfed.
For beauty his soul is athirst;
And he will not look and see
Thy beauty, O Last, O First,
Old, new, for eternity.
For music his being is fain;
And he will not hearken and hear
The notes of Thy deathless strain
That are sounding great and clear.
And love he seeks with a heart
All sore for its passionate need;
And knoweth Thee not, who art,
Thou only, Love indeed.
On Thy blood-purpled Rood,
On Thy white Throne above,
We hail Thee, O Light, O Food,
O Beauty, O Music, O Love!