University of Virginia Library



Because I felt the largeness of a little loss,
I went to see my Saviour hanging on His Cross
Beside the road to Headley, where I found the grace
Of moonlight slumbering on His holy face.
Behind Him, in three rows, each underneath the sign
That Jesus Christ of Nazareth made divine,
One hundred troopers, late of Canada, reposed,
Their fighting over and their living stories closed
By Death, who, glancing at the gentle Figure raised
As Shepherd of that folded flock, in silence praised
The wounds that did not heal. While lonely there I stood,
Bareheaded in the moonlight, lifting to the Good
And Patient both my hands, and in my hands the pride


I felt at being a scholar of the Crucified,
I grieved that I had walked across the silvered moor
So fast, with such a starveling sorrow to deplore,
When Christ was sadly listening to the prayers that sped
From mothers' lips in Canada to where the dead,
While waiting for the end of all this earthly loss,
Rest near their meek Commander on His Cross
Beside the road to Headley. If you pass that way,
Christian, improve your heart by stopping there to pray.