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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 14.

[Thou art our Arm of Help, O God]

Deut. 33. 27. Underneath are the everlasting Arms.

Thou art our Arm of Help, O God
Shall we thy mercy see?
An Arm stretch'd out of the thick Cloud,
To strenghen such as we.
How usefull is an Arm to us,
The body to defend?
So is thy love and power, Lord,
On which we do depend.


The Arm bears up and does support
Such who most feeble be;
Thy weak and feeble Saints also,
Are, Lord, born up by thee.
The Arm the Body does protect,
And save it from all harms;
So thou dost us defend and save
By thy Almighty Arms.
We with our Arms embrace our Friend,
And hug such we do love;
We by thine Arms of power and grace
Embrac'd are from above.
Thy Arm, O Lord is very strong,
The vilest Soul can'st save:
Not shortned, but very long,
Thy help let Sinners have.
Wo, wo to them, this Arm of thine
In wrath is laid upon;
But happy such who it upholds,
Thrice happy such a one.
Remember Saints when you are low,
Whose Arms are under you;
And sing God's praise continually,
Who will Salvation show.