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Landscapes in verse

Taken in Spring. By the author of Sympathy [i.e. S. J. Pratt]. Second edition

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Under her guidance, soon, secure we reach,
Ah! sweet remembrance! yonder breezy down
Stretch'd like a lawn, full many a verdant rood
Of velvet sod compos'd;—hard by a grove
Of all-enduring firs, their ample rows
Extend in fair array;—thither we speed,
There woo the umbrage, whose immortal leaves
Outlive the wintry blast;—along the grass
Unsunn'd, of darkest green, and hung with dew


That chills the length'ning glade, pensive we go,
Pensive, yet pleas'd; for gentle Love attends
Our pilgrim steps: and where Love deigns to lead,
Smooth is the rock, and midnight darkness smiles.