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On his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland's Success at the Hague.

Whilst grateful Britons lift their loud Applause
For sacred Rights redeem'd, and rescu'd Laws;
A People sav'd, the joyful Sound proclaim,
And ev'ry Bosom swells with William's Name.
His Country freed, he glows for Humankind,
And Europe's Safety fills his mighty Mind.
Lo! Belgian States the Royal Envoy warms,
Inflames their Breasts, and fires their Souls to Arms:
Rous'd by his Voice, the fatal Chain they broke,
And saw with Horror the impending Yoke.
To naked View each Gallic Scheme he shows;
That France and Freedom are eternal Foes:
Her luring Bait he strips of all Disguise,
Op'ning the deadly Snare to Europe's Eyes.
The mighty Chiefs, amaz'd, beheld with Fear
The Storm black frowning, and their Fate so near;
Their anxious Minds the God-like Prince allay'd,
They court his Councils, and implore his Aid:
To Him the Nations gath'ring from afar,
Intrust their Plans of Peace, their Hopes of War.
Hail, mighty Chief! hail! darling glorious Youth!
Guardian of Liberty, and injur'd Truth!
Britannia's Boast, whose early Virtues stood
'Midst rending Thunders firm, in Fields of Blood
Wading victorious through the Crimson Tide,
And France defeated at thy Father's Side!
On Thee our utmost Hopes, our Joys, depend;
On Thee, the Tyrant's Foe, and Freedom's Friend.


Go forth, Invincible, assert the Field;
Justice shall lend her Sword, and Truth her Shield.
Go forth, great Prince, with conscious Worth elate,
Whilst Angels guard thee in the Files of Fate.
Thy Cause shall triumph o'er the destin'd Foe,
And Heav'n shall guide, and strengthen every Blow:
When Battles rage, Success shall round thee play,
And each be like Culloden's glorious Day.