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Poems on Several Occasions

By Jonathan Smedley

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Well! T---ll, thou hast found it out;
Thy Hero is both Wise and Stout!
But! let me tell you, 'tis no more,
Than Politicians found before.
Why then this Stir, and mighty Do,
In Stanza's Four, Lines Thirty-two?


Why all this dire Poetic Rage?
Thy Sirname in the Title Page!
Bare Sirname! when you might add to it
'Squire, Secretary, Poet!
Only to say, Britannia's Boast
Will soon be seen on France's Coast:
And when He's hugg'd Monseigneur, then,
He'll come to London back again.
And, why, pray, must the Errand fail,
Unless the Ship from Windsor sail?
Why nothing said of the Intrigue
A Brother-Earl drives at the Hague?
Nor of the Mediators Work
Between the Emp'ror and the Turk?
But Twice three Rivers stopt, to look
At one Trip, o'er the Herring-Brook?
Methinks, thy Time were better spent,
If thou (from Europe's Fate, unbent)


Hadst sung, in Lines and Numbers new,
How Ad---n, thy Friend withdrew
From Cock-pit Cares, to Holland-House,
From State-Intrigues to cheer his Spouse;
To all things Elegant and Quiet,
His Chambers, Coun---ss, and his Diet.
Or, what if you'd inform the Town,
That Things, of wonderful Renown,
And Nature strange, are to be seen
In Bow-Street at the Pillars Green?
Told, where the Half-Man lives, who can do
More than compleatest Ferdinando?
Sung Winstanly, so fam'd for Water?
Or blaz'd abroad the Fire-Eater?
These had been Subjects, wondrous fit,
To suit thy Talents, and thy Wit:
But 'tis ill judg'd, in Four-Foot Rhime,
To handle Matters so Sublime.


What! He who came from Thames and Isis,
In singing St---pe, and his Crisis,
The Play and Plot, at once, to spoil,
By Dapper, Lean, Laconic Style!
Not so, of late, thy Lyre was strung,
When, in Heroics high, you sung
A Man of God; who had the Grace
To Fire the World, by making Peace.