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The Canons of Criticism and Glossary

Being A Supplement to Mr. Warburton's Edition of Shakespear ... The Sixth Edition, with Additions [with] The Trial of the Letter y, alias Y, and Sonnets [by Thomas Edwards]

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To N. Paice, Esq;
Brother and Friend, whom Heav'n's all-gracious hand,
In lieu of Brethren and of Friends deceas'd,
To me a solace and support has rais'd,
And bound by Virtue's ever-sacred band;
To future times fair shall thy memory stand,
(If aught of mine to future times at lest
Can reach,) and, for fraternal kindness blest,
Wide as good Proculeius' fame expand.
The fond remembrance of Maria's love
Her friends and kindred to thy heart endears;
With equal warmth thou dost their friendship meet,
And generous acts thy true affection prove;
Thy kind compassion dries the Widows tears,
And guides the lonely Orphan's wand'ring Feet.