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Or, The Love of David. A Poem. Written by Samuel Cobb

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Here the good Prophet eas'd his careful breast,
And weary Nature borrow'd gentle Rest.
When Gabr'iel Sam'el's rev'rend likeness took,
And in these words his sacred Message spoke;
Nathan, well-read in sure Futurity,
Awake and hear what Heav'n commands by me.
With speed to Judah's Monarch hast, relate
Bersaba's wrongs, and just Uriah's Fate.
Whose injur'd Ghost does still for blood complain,
Unless his Sorrow washes out the stain.


The Prophet, waken'd with the Voice he heard,
Arose, but streight the Vision disappear'd,
Inspir'd by God and by wise Sam'el sent,
Undoubtingly to Judah's Court he went.