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Truth in Fiction

Or, Morality in Masquerade. A Collection of Two hundred twenty five Select Fables of Aesop, and other Authors. Done into English Verse. By Edmund Arwaker

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FABLE IX. The Daw:
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FABLE IX. The Daw:

Or, Affected Quality exploded.

A Daw, in Peacock's pilfer'd Plumes array'd,
Thought she a more than common Figure made:
She proudly did her fellow-Daws contemn,
And to the Peacocks fled, and flock'd with them:
But there out-acted what she seem'd to be;
None strutted so, or look'd so big as she.
The wiser Birds, who knew excessive Pride
Did not true Worth express, but Meanness hide,
Found the Impostor out, and with disdain,
Unrigg'd, and sent her to her Mates again.


‘When Men of Mean Extraction ape the Great,
‘(Tempted by Riches to that vain Conceit)
‘They fondly over-act the Part they Play,
‘And Baseness, in affecting State, betray:
‘While all the truly Noble, free from Pride,
‘The aukward Mimicks, in their Height, deride:


‘Who (thinking Merit is in Pomp express'd)
‘Out-run their Fortunes, and become a Jest.