University of Virginia Library

XIX. A Roose hath borne a lilly white,
The whiche floure is moost pure and bright.


To this roose aungell Gabriell
Seide: ‘Thou shalt bere Emanuell,
Both god and man with vs to dwell;’
The which floure is most pure and bright.


This roose, the prophete Ysaye
Seyde, shulde conceyve and bere Messy
Withouten synne or velonye;
The which flour is moost pure and bright.


As the sonne beame goth thurgh the glas,
Thurgh this roose that lilly did pas
To save mankynde, as his wille was;
The whiche floure is moost pure and bright.


This roose so myelde aye vndefielde
Hath borne a childe for man so wilde


By fraude begiled, from blis exiled;
The whiche flour is moost pure and bright.


This roose so good at the cros stode
With wofull moode, when Crist, oure foode,
Shed his hert bloode for man so woode;
The which flour is moost pure and bright.


This swete roose pray bothe nyght and day,
Withoute denay that we come maye
To blis for ay the redy waye;
The which flour is moost pure and bright.