University of Virginia Library


If I þis mote þe schal vn-hyde,
Bow vp to-warde þys borneȝ heued,
& I an-endeȝ þe on þis syde
Schal sve, tyl þou to a hil be veued,
Þen wolde [I] no lenger byde,
Bot lurked by launceȝ so lufly leued,
Tyl on a hyl þat I asspyed
& blusched on þe burghe, as I forth dreued,
By-ȝonde þe brok fro me warde keued,
Þat schyrrer þen sunne with schafteȝ schon;
In þe apokalypce is þe fasoun preued,
As deuyseȝ hit þe apostel Ihon.
As Iohan þe apostel hit syȝ with syȝt
I syȝe þat cyty of gret renoun,
Ierusalem so nwe & ryally dyȝt,
As hit watȝ lyȝt fro þe heuen adoun.
Þe borȝ watȝ al of brende golde bryȝt,
As glemande glas burnist broun,


With gentyl gemmeȝ an-vnder pyȝt;
With banteleȝ twelue on basyng boun,
Þe foundementeȝ twelue of riche tenoun;
Vch tabelment watȝ a serlypeȝ ston,
As derely deuyseȝ þis ilk toun,
In apocalyppeȝ þe apostel Iohan.
As þise stoneȝ in writ con nemme
I knew þe name after his tale;
Iasper hyȝt þe fyrst gemme,
Þat I on þe fyrst basse con wale,
He glente grene in þe lowest hemme.
Saffer helde þe secounde stale,
Þe calsydoyne þenne with-outen wemme,
In þe þryd table con purly pale;
Þe emerade þe furþe so grene of scale;
Þe sardonyse þe fyfþe ston;
Þe sexte þe rybe he con hit wale,
In þe apocalyppce þe apostel Iohan.
Ȝet Ioyned Iohan þe crysolyt,
Þe seuenþe gemme in fundament;
Þe aȝtþe þe beryl cler & quyt
Þe topasye twynne how þe nente endent;
Þe crysopase þe tenþe is tyȝt;
Þe Iacyngh þe enleuenþe gent;
Þe twelfþe þe gentyleste in vch a plyt,
Þe amatyst purpre with ynde blente;
Þe wal abof þe bantels bent,
Masporye as glas þat glysnande schon,
I knew hit by his deuysement,
In þe apocalyppeȝ þe apostel Iohan.
As Iohan deuysed ȝet saȝ I þare.
Þise twelue de-gres wern brode & stayre,
Þe cyte stod abof ful sware,
As longe as brode as hyȝe ful fayre;
Þe streteȝ of golde as glasse al bare,
Þe wal of Iasper þat glent as glayre;


Þe woneȝ with-inne enurned ware
Wyth alle kynneȝ perre þat moȝt repayre,
Þenne helde vch sware of þis manayre,
Twelue forlonge space er euer hit fon,
Of heȝt, of brede, of lenþe to cayre,
For meten hit syȝ þe apostel Iohan.