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Madrigales and ayres

of two, three, foure and fiue Voyces, with the continued Base, with Toccatos, Sinfonias and Rittornellos to them. After the manner of Consort Musique. To be performed with the Harpesechord, Lutes, Theorbos, Base Violl, two Violins, or two viols

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[XVII. In Celias face]

[XVII. In Celias face]

In Celias face a question did a rise

In Celias face a question did a rise, which were more beautifull, her lips or eyes. Then weept the eyes, from their springs did powre of liquid oriental pearle, liquid orientall pearle a showre, where at the lips mooud with delight and pleasure, through a sweete smile vnlockt their pearly treasure, and bad loue Judge, whither did ad more grace weeping or smiling pearles to Celias face, wher at the lippes mooud with delight and pleasure, through a sweete smile vnlockt their pearly treasure. And bad loue iudge, whether did adde, did adde more grace, weeping or smiling pearles to Celias face.