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[XVIII. Hoe who comes heere]

Hoe who comes here all alone with bagpiping

Hoe who comes here all alone with bagpiping & drūming with bagpiping & drūming? O the Morris tis I see; tis the Morris daunce a cōming. Hoe who comes heere all alone with bagpiping & drūming, O the Morris tis I see, tis the Morris, daūce a comming. Come Ladies come come quickly, come away come I say, ô come, come quickly, & see about how trim, how trim they daūce & trickly. and see about how trim they daūce & trickly. Hey ther again hey ho ther again,

hey ho how ye bells they shake it! now for our town hey ho, now for our town ther & take it: now for our town hey ho, now for our town & take it. Soft a while not a way so fast, they melt them: Piper, Piper, Piper! be hāgd a while knaue, looke, ye dauncers swelt thē, ye daūcers swelt thē. Out ther, out a while stand out you come to far, to far you come I say in, ther giue the hobby horse more rome for to play in, ther giue the hobby horse more rome to play in, more rome to play in.