A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||
The Sparkling Shine of Gods Justice
Patience thus Exercisd Gods Providence
Doth in her Checker'd Mashes hang the Shine
Of Justice in such Spangles as from thence
Dropt here and there are by the hand Divine
Some instances where of I blazon would
Upon this Flag, all blancht there with like gold.
Doth in her Checker'd Mashes hang the Shine
Of Justice in such Spangles as from thence
Dropt here and there are by the hand Divine
Some instances where of I blazon would
Upon this Flag, all blancht there with like gold.
Justice persues the Jews still for their Sin,
Poor Nation now, how hast thou banisht Grace,
Quite from thy Tents? Vengeance red hot steps in
Oh thou art plunged in a dismall Case,
Thy land is by thy wickedness well nigh
Laid Desolate, thou must not in it ly.
Poor Nation now, how hast thou banisht Grace,
Quite from thy Tents? Vengeance red hot steps in
Oh thou art plunged in a dismall Case,
Thy land is by thy wickedness well nigh
Laid Desolate, thou must not in it ly.
The Jews Rebell; fall fifty thousand slain
By Adrians Sword, have fifty Castles stroi'de
Nine hundred fourscore towns untownd again,
By Sickness, Sword, Fire, Famine almost void,
Jerusalem new built, new namde, and new
Enpeoplde, by the Gentile not the Jew.
By Adrians Sword, have fifty Castles stroi'de
Nine hundred fourscore towns untownd again,
By Sickness, Sword, Fire, Famine almost void,
Jerusalem new built, new namde, and new
Enpeoplde, by the Gentile not the Jew.
At Rome in Trajans reign the Pantheon
And Nero's Golden House the lightning burnd,
In Asia Dreadfull Earth Quakes whereupon
Four Cities were in Asia overturnd
The very Earth doth tremble at the Flood
That overflows it thus of Martyres blood.
And Nero's Golden House the lightning burnd,
In Asia Dreadfull Earth Quakes whereupon
Four Cities were in Asia overturnd
The very Earth doth tremble at the Flood
That overflows it thus of Martyres blood.
And Antioch while Trajan there perchance
So shaken was, that neighbouring mountains tall
Were tore and Casus that did high advance
Ore all in Syria tumbling down did fall.
And Rivers dry did grow: the Earth moreore
An horrid lowing made, the Sea did roare.
So shaken was, that neighbouring mountains tall
Were tore and Casus that did high advance
Ore all in Syria tumbling down did fall.
And Rivers dry did grow: the Earth moreore
An horrid lowing made, the Sea did roare.
The ruind building dreadfully did Clash,
The Schreeching of sad men was high and greate,
Such darkness made by dust that mixed was
One Could not heare another, se or speak.
The Emperour took through a window there
Out of the ruind building sav'd thus were.
The Schreeching of sad men was high and greate,
Such darkness made by dust that mixed was
One Could not heare another, se or speak.
The Emperour took through a window there
Out of the ruind building sav'd thus were.
And in the Agarean War did rise
Thunders and Lightnings, strange Rainbow, storms
Vast Hails, Stones too and mighty Swarms of Flies,
That did anoy them, who were full of scorns.
They did infest the Romans meat and drinck
They swarmed on with a most nautious Stinck.
Thunders and Lightnings, strange Rainbow, storms
Vast Hails, Stones too and mighty Swarms of Flies,
That did anoy them, who were full of scorns.
They did infest the Romans meat and drinck
They swarmed on with a most nautious Stinck.
God still comes nigher, he now takes in hand
The Wicked man his members do unjoynt,
His body's numbd his senses, lose command;
He thinks he poyson'd is (Gods hand doth point)
Then swells with Water twixt the flesh and fell,
His Gost doth bid his Carkass thus farewell.
The Wicked man his members do unjoynt,
His body's numbd his senses, lose command;
He thinks he poyson'd is (Gods hand doth point)
Then swells with Water twixt the flesh and fell,
His Gost doth bid his Carkass thus farewell.
In Adrians time great Earth Quakes too God brings:
That Nicomedia, and Nice nigh stroy.
Soon after these Nicopolis down flings
Yea and Cesaria as utterly
Then Inquest makes for Blood. Blood new so skips
From Adrian's nose as frighted out of'ts wits.
That Nicomedia, and Nice nigh stroy.
Soon after these Nicopolis down flings
Yea and Cesaria as utterly
Then Inquest makes for Blood. Blood new so skips
From Adrian's nose as frighted out of'ts wits.
And now therewith such torments him surprize,
He Calls for Death, seeks to dispatch his life.
He wasts away, then doth a Dropsy rise
Which did refuse his Charms and Spells so rife.
His blood breaks down all dams still, and will flow
His Tortures too will not be Charmd but grow.
He Calls for Death, seeks to dispatch his life.
He wasts away, then doth a Dropsy rise
Which did refuse his Charms and Spells so rife.
His blood breaks down all dams still, and will flow
His Tortures too will not be Charmd but grow.
He asketh Poyson of his Doctor then
But such a Potion never can obtain.
Then Craves a Sword, bids mony for't to's men
But none do reach him this to end his pain.
At length by torments more than can be told
He is dispatcht and tumbled down to mould.
But such a Potion never can obtain.
Then Craves a Sword, bids mony for't to's men
But none do reach him this to end his pain.
At length by torments more than can be told
He is dispatcht and tumbled down to mould.
And in the Reign of Pius sad things light
As Famine, Earthquakes that did towns destroy
In Rhodes and Asia, the Circk stroyd quite
Three hundred forty houses burnt down ly
At Rome and Narbon City, Antioch,
And Carthage Market place, burnt turnd to Smoake.
As Famine, Earthquakes that did towns destroy
In Rhodes and Asia, the Circk stroyd quite
Three hundred forty houses burnt down ly
At Rome and Narbon City, Antioch,
And Carthage Market place, burnt turnd to Smoake.
Tyber oreflows its bancks: a boy is born
With two heads, then five babes born at a time
A mighty Cristed Snake was seen off shorn
And eat itself up halfe in Arabs Clime.
A mighty Plague rag'd in Arabia
Barly from tree twigs grew in Morsia.
With two heads, then five babes born at a time
A mighty Cristed Snake was seen off shorn
And eat itself up halfe in Arabs Clime.
A mighty Plague rag'd in Arabia
Barly from tree twigs grew in Morsia.
In Commodus his reign then Lightning turn'd
The Capitoline Temple into dust
The neighboring Famous Library burnd,
The Temple too of Peace soon after Crusht,
And Vesta Temple and the Palace by her
Much of the City too, and all by fire.
The Capitoline Temple into dust
The neighboring Famous Library burnd,
The Temple too of Peace soon after Crusht,
And Vesta Temple and the Palace by her
Much of the City too, and all by fire.
Then Commodus the Senate did define
More Cruell than Domitian, and impure
Than Nero, comes unto his tragick time
Doth drinke a draught of Poyson for a Cure.
Which failing, he with Nariss scuffling
In jest, in earnest throtled was by him.
More Cruell than Domitian, and impure
Than Nero, comes unto his tragick time
Doth drinke a draught of Poyson for a Cure.
Which failing, he with Nariss scuffling
In jest, in earnest throtled was by him.
Touching Narcissus of Jerusalem
Gainst whom three wicked guilty persons rose,
He taxed is before the Church by them,
They do the Crime under dread Caths depose,
Which done, the Good Old man for griefe retires,
Although the Church did not believe those liers.
Gainst whom three wicked guilty persons rose,
He taxed is before the Church by them,
They do the Crime under dread Caths depose,
Which done, the Good Old man for griefe retires,
Although the Church did not believe those liers.
The first doth wish he might be burnt if he
Spake not the truth; the second if he li'de
By Cruell Sickness might surprised bee,
The third that's Sight might out be pluckt or glide
If he spake false and this they did, its said
Lest by Narcissus they ashame be made.
Spake not the truth; the second if he li'de
By Cruell Sickness might surprised bee,
The third that's Sight might out be pluckt or glide
If he spake false and this they did, its said
Lest by Narcissus they ashame be made.
But see the Case. The first mans house by night
And he and all therein are burnt by fire.
The second is surprizd in all mens sight
By Cruell sickness and thereby expires.
The third much terrifide, the Fact descries
And With reperting tears weeps out his Eyes.
And he and all therein are burnt by fire.
The second is surprizd in all mens sight
By Cruell sickness and thereby expires.
The third much terrifide, the Fact descries
And With reperting tears weeps out his Eyes.
Now Justice hath Narcissus made more Shine
He from his solitary Place doth pass
Unto his sacred Charge, a grave Divine
When aged eight score years and three he was.
Thus Justice, see, doth see and show her Shine
While Patience doth Gods providence enline.
He from his solitary Place doth pass
Unto his sacred Charge, a grave Divine
When aged eight score years and three he was.
Thus Justice, see, doth see and show her Shine
While Patience doth Gods providence enline.
A transcript of Edward Taylor's Metrical History of Christianity by Donald E. Stanford | ||