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Ar god was ibore euene it was also
Enleue hondred ȝer & þritti þar to
Þus come verst to engelond þe verste men iwis
Þat euere wonede in engelond þat were brut & his
Þo brut & is men þus come verst to londe
Hii wende aboute wide inou þe contreies vor to fonde
Gret plente hii founde of fiss as hii wende bi þe weie
Of wodes & of riuers as is in þe contreie
Lond hii founde god inou to tulye on alle god
So þat to bileue þer hor herte wel astod
Hii founde an vewe geans vorbroide men as it were
Into cornewaile hii driue hom in to olde diches þere


Hii housede & bulde vaste & herede & sewe
So þat in a lute stounde gode cornes hom grewe
Corn & frut hom wax inouȝ & fiss inou hii founde
& of fless so þat hii were riche inou in a stounde
Brut bad corineus for to chese of ech contrei iwis
Ȝwich him were leuest abbe to him & to his
Cornewaile him likede best þer vore he ches þere
To him & to his of spring & vor þer geans were
Vor he willede to fiȝte mid geans & do hom ssame
Þat lond he clupede cornwaile after is owe name
Cornewaile after corineus & in þis manere iwis
Corineus bi wan cornwaile to him & to his
Brut huld him to engelond he ne dorste him naȝt pleine
& after brut his owe name he clupede hit brutaine
Brutons me clupede alle men þat were in engelonde
As me clupede hom longe suþþe vor te nou late ich vnder stonde


Gogmagog was a geant suiþe gret & strong
Vor aboute an twenti vet me seiþ he was long