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Poems Divine, and Humane

By Thomas Beedome

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The Question and Answer.

When the sad ruines of that face
In it's owne wrinkles buried lyes,
And the stiffe pride of all it's grace
By time undone, fals slacke and dyes:
Wilt not thou sigh, and wish in some vext fit,
That it were now as when I courted it.
And when thy glasse shall it present,
Without those smiles which once were there,
Showing like some stale monument,
A scalpe departed from it's haire,
At thy selfe frighted wilt not start and sweate
That I beleeved thee, when I call'd thee faire?
Yes, yes, I know thou wilt, and so
Pitty the weaknesse of thy scorne

That now hath humbled thee to know,
Though faire it was, it is forlorne,
Loves sweetes, thy aged corps, embalming not,
What marvell if thy carkasse beauty rot.
Then shall I live, and live to be
Thy envie, thou my pitty; say
When e're thou see mee, or I thee,
(Being nighted from thy beauties day)
'Tis hee, and had my pride not wither'd mee,
I had, perhaps, beene still as fresh as hee.
Then shall I smile, and answer: true thy scorne
Left thee thus wrinkled, slack't, corrupt, forlorne.