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Pocula Castalia

The Authors Motto. Fortunes Tennis-Ball. Eliza. Poems. Epigrams. &c. By R. B. [i.e Robert Baron]

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Of all dread Monarchs falls, I wonder lest
At thine Cyrvs of Persia.
The Son may fall, and's Plumes adorn thy crest,
But thou must be the Mothers prey.
With men to fight that Sex hath ods
That triumphs both o'r Men and Gods.


In Peace, their arrowes slay, yet draw no blood,
In war, they win when lofe the Day.
Though Captives, on their Conqu'rers necks they tread,
And the fierce Victor make their prey.
Strong Sex! who from your chaine is free,
That though he foyles ye, bound must be?