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The Works of Michael Drayton

Edited by J. William Hebel

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In the last Chap. of Ecclesiasticus.

I will confesse thy name O Lord,
And give thee praise with one accord:
My God, my King, and Saviour,
Unto thy name be thankes and power.
I have bene succoured by thee,
And thou hast still preserved me:
And from destruction kept me long,
And from report of slaunderous tongue.
From lips stil exercisde with lies,
And from my cruell enemies,
Thou me in mercie doost deliver,
Thy blessed name be praisde for ever.
From monsters, that would me devoure,
From cruell tyrants, and their power:
In all affliction paine and griefe,
Thou succourest me with some reliefe.
From the cruell burning flame,
Poore I inclosde within the same:
From the deepe infernall pit,
From venom'd tongues that poison spit.


From speeches that of malice spring,
From accusation to the king,
From all reproch and infamy,
From slander, and like villanie.
My soule, to death praise thou the Lord,
And laud his name with one accord:
For death was readie thee to take,
And thou neare the infernall lake.
They compassed me round about,
But there was none to helpe me out:
I look'd when succour would appeare,
But there was none that would come neare.
Upon thy mercies then I thought,
And on the wonders thou hast wrought:
How from destruction thou doost save,
Such as in thee affiance have.
In praier then I did persever,
That thou from death wouldst me deliver:
Unto the Lord I crie and call,
That he would rid me out of thrall:
Therefore I still will praise thy name,
And ever thanke thee for the same:
My praiers shall of thee be heard,
And never from thy eares debard.
Thou sav'st me from destruction,
And other mischiefs more than one:
Therefore wil I praise thee O Lord,
And in my songs thy name record.