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17. [That evir I luvit allace þairfoir.]
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17. [That evir I luvit allace þairfoir.]

That evir I luvit, allace þairfoir,
This to be pynit with panis soir,
Thirlit throw every vane and boir
Without offenss
Chryst send remeid, I say no moir
Bot pacienss.
Grissal was nevir so pacient
As I am for my lady gent,
For in my mynd I so imprent
Hir excellenss
That of my deid I am content
With pacienss.
How lang sall I this lyfe inleid?
That for hir saik do suffer deid,
But confort of hir gudly heid
Or ȝit presens;
I say no moir, christ send remeid
With paciens.
On paciens I mon perforss,
Sen þat I go frome weill to worss,
Exorting chryst send hir remorss
Of conscienss
Sa crewaly hes keild my corss
But pacienss.
Paciens ourcumis all,
And is ane vertew principall,
Sen I am bund to leif in thrall
With insolens,
I mon sustene quhat so befall
With pacienss.


But paciens I ȝow assure,
Nane may þe panis of lufe indure,
Nor ȝit in to that lufly bour
Mak residens,
Without thay preif baith sueit and sour
With paciens.
Lufe is maid of sic ane kynd,
That be na forss it may be synd,
Bot only be of hummill mynd
With parmanenss
To thoill, suppoiss þe hairt be pynd,
With pacienss.